Sunday, March 27, 2005


oh man i think i wanna starve myself again. i JUST ate some salad, and now im hungry again... how unfair! im not eating though, its 10.30 already, never, never, never now.
marcy and i are making custom tank tops, though far away from each other, we're making them at the same time. you see, its gonna be a tank that has (picture of lips)+me+je suis+tunisian (for her, lebanese) then we are putting ribbons on one of the shoulders. fun stuff no? i wanna go to a sample sale so bad! im so sick of barney's and bergdorf.. lol i wanna feel the excitement of virtually fighting over a pair of blahniks. i need new heels anyways.
kent is going to italia today. good luck with your jet lag mate.
ok so today i went to the mall to check out some job openings at either a&f, hollister, or ruehls, but the mall was closed! agh! "easter sunday" bull. not everyone is christian you know. maybe we should try closing on hanukkah and eid too, no? i wanna leave this red country...
oh you know those new prada full skirts, that are like sheer cotton with prints of 'venice' scenes on them? i just saw some that are way cheaper at lord and taylors the other day (ok 50 euros instead of 1400, you get the point!)
well anyways, im heading off.

Friday, March 25, 2005


"its me and you... walou. torala nada sale el todo, y el todo se hace nada" -outlandish, 'walou'
wow first day of spring break, just hanging around the house reading and listening to music and working out. feels good actually. im reading this amazing book by lawrence durrell, called "the lawrence durrell travel reader" i highly recommend it, especially if you love travelling and finding yourself while doing so.
i might be buying a new coach purse soon. either the signature demi pouch in tan or the mini duffel in black. still deciding. or i might buy a new TV or a digital camera (konica)... so its one of those things. marcy, help me decide!!

Thursday, March 24, 2005


oh yes, finally spring break. i think any student needs it. not to mention the fact that i was on the verge of collapsing on the last day (today)... i feel so relaxed, knowing that i wont be inschool for 10 days. plus spring is here- well a little anyways. it snowed last night. but, spring, that always lifts my moods up. i just found out last weekend that my favorite person in the whole wide world is coming to visit us for two months. i love him. and he's coming. i feel too lucky. way too good to be true.
anyways, on to more general things... bush just had his first defeat. im glad [claps frantically]. his plan for social security privitization obviously wasn't accpeted by many. there were even some senators from his own party disagreeing with him.
i guess i was just one of the many.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

first blog

well not really. i had a xanga anyways. but that seemed to be too commercial of a blog. so, xanga, farewell. blogger, marhaba. im really excited to start one on here as i saw plenty of impressive blogs... by blogger... so i thought 'hey time to upgrade.' sure it was.
so, this is my newly created outpour of thoughts. it wont be long til you see long texts filling up the page. enjoy.
------the tunisian dream
ps. un homage a notre yahyaoui:

Vive la Tunisie. Vive Zouhair.