Saturday, June 11, 2005

What a day!

wow! Yesterday I went to Vojtech's farewell party (he's going back to the Czech)... It was really a lot of fun, plus it was a pool party... And let me tell you about that! I didn't want to swim, so I simply didn't bring a swimsuit and wore nice cocktail wear. But, I was so proven wrong as to my idea of not swimming! A group of my friends ganged up and planned this thing where Chris picked me up outta nowehere and BAM I was thrown into the pool, with my earrings, sunglasses and all. OMG the water was so cold!! Plus they threw me in the 7-ft deep side!! So I had to A) stay in a towel for 30 mins, B) change into Matt's basketball shorts and Emily's band t-shirt, C) dry my clothes in the dryer, D) dry my underwear with a hair dryer. At first I was a little upset, especially since I was wearing a skirt... But then I got better. Chris apologized, but it's all good because I know it was just fun you know... Anyways the party ended at like 1, but I left at about 11.30, I was too tired to finish lol. Today I have a Graduation Open House to go to at 1pm, which in all reality is exactly 18min away from now... But as always, I plan on going late so it doesn't really matter. Then after that we're going to Traverse City, spending the night there... Then tomorrow I have another graduation party. Then I have to get ready for DC. Things are getting to finally get unboring haha. Oh yeah, last night my sister and I had this HUGE conversation, about everything. Then outta nowhere she was reading some of my articles I wrote and she goes, "Dude, I can really see you writing for Vogue. I can guarantee you that if you applied there, you'd get the job." That's one of the best compliments I've EVER received man!! ^_^ WOOT!


Anonymous said...

nice to see a fellow tunisian american, we are a rare breed.