Sunday, April 03, 2005

loca por tu amor

omg im having such a good day...! im in the mood for anything, up for anything! only 5 days til my family comes over. the only bad part is that i have school tomorrow. back to boredom land in ignorant whitmore lake. i cant wait to move, i swear. this summer will be the bomb, especially if i move to cali or north carolina. i know lotsa people there so it'll be all good. but then, ill become far from montréal and québec, my only two escapes from americanized, unflavorful places! :-( anyways, i dont even care where i move now, as long as i get out of here. even if its as far as the uae or japan (ok maybe not japan, good idea for summer vacation though)
im so in love with this salsa song called "tengo ganas" by victor manuelle. so... dreamy. feels like dancing on a hot summer day in buenos aires, avec tout les amis qui me partagent a créer l'ambiance parfaite! oh by the way, i made lyrics and i sung them out to the instrumental "sen gelmez oldun" by alihan samedov, from the buddha bar collection. it sounds nice. plus first i had to interpret the sounds and stuff and think up a theme that would fit well into it. but since the original song "starts" (like once all sounds are in use) after a whole minute, i cut the lyrics short as well to only fit the melodic part. ill post the lyrics someday (once i write them down lol... now i just memorized them) that reminds me, ill play the song here, the original i mean.
ahh i need new jeans. desperately. i found an amazing pair at ruehls last night, but they were $128. i didnt have that money on me, not then anyways. it was the only pair ive loved in my life. i have to go back and get them sometime. i wanna perfect the new sailor look so bad! i got the khakis, the striped shirt, and the anchor pin, oh and also the red, contrasting necklace which im just not letting go these days (ive worn it 4 days straight! perfect accessory!!)...
oh, on a more honorable note of respect, RIP Pope John Paul II. was a great humanitarian.
im gonna go. mwah.
oh also, how do you guys like my elie saab couture close up collage?

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