Wednesday, April 20, 2005

@ school

hey everyone... im at school... ahh boring stuff. especially in speech class. we're supposed to be researching for our group speeches but oh well im bored so ... yea. no speechie today. my uncle went to houston yesterday. he's then going to san francisco. my dad is now in tampa, coming back tonight, going to nyc friday. mom is going to boston this saturday. im going to key club convention on friday. my whole family is like super busy this week. oh and i found out when hbk is coming- may 7th. im so excited. i can barely wait i swear. life will become so different once he comes. i mean think of it, i can now truly believe that it's actually real, i mean he came all the way from paris! thats what im talking about! :-)
alright well im gonna go, mwah mwah.