Wednesday, April 20, 2005

no way

U.S. Warns Citizens of Potential Attack in Tunisia

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department has issued a travel advisory for its citizens in Tunisia, warning of potential terrorist attacks in the North African tourist destination.

"The United States Government has strong indications that individuals may be planning imminent terrorist actions in Tunisia," the State Department said in a April 19 statement.

"We have no further information on specific targets, timing, or method of attack, or capabilities of these individuals."

Washington said a terrorist attack may occur on or around dates of religious significance, such as the Moulid holiday in the third week of April.

"U.S. Government facilities remain at a heightened state of alert," it said.

A Tunisian government source, who declined to be named, told Reuters that the warning came within the context of similar warnings issued in many countries of possible terrorist attacks.

"Tunisian authorities have made the security and tranquility of citizens and guests of the country a priority. They will spare no effort or energy to preserve the security, peace and tranquility Tunisia enjoys," he said.

Tunisia was hit by a suicide attack in April 2002, claimed by Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network. The attack on a Jewish shrine on the southern Tunisian island of Djerba killed 21 people, including 14 German tourists.

Tourism is Tunisia's most important foreign currency earner, accounting form almost 20 percent of its total earnings.

Ugh this kind of news makes me nervous.