Monday, April 25, 2005

i'm impressed that you're impressed

can anyone say fun?
omgosh, the district convention was hella fun.
it was like the best weekend i've had in a while. i met many many people. all very cool especially kayla, jess, steph, hisam, and ahmed. you guys like rock my world. kayla, "we're so the coolest, i mean look at the trends!" "oh yeah i mean socks with thong flip flops how hot!" haha and our hair... yours not staying curled, mine not staying straight (ok all that dancing does account for it lol!!) ... very nice memories!!
im so glad we'll be doing something this weekend yay! i hope jess and steph can make it too!

hisam- you're one of the coolest guys i've met at convention. ahmed- you're very sweet guy. hope to keep in touch. samah- you're also a very nice chica. oh yeah can't forget julia, omg girl you are so much fun, especially during the ball! thanks hisam and julia for sending me all the congrats! which brings me to tell all of you guys that- im now elected as lieutenant governer of division 11! woot woot! this is a major step for me in my life even, since ive wanted long ago to become our own clubs president. now that just seems too mere of a job. LTG is much more "official"...

so yeah.
the total highlight of my weekend was the same as jessica's ^_^
oh and it felt so reassuring to know that arabs do exist in michigan, ya haram i mean i never met that many!! it was awesome!! and all of them were cool too.
i gotta get busy with my new district board duties ~_^
take care everyone
