Tuesday, June 30, 2009


And what's wrong with it?

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Favorite names:


Islam (or girl)


Shams (or boy)


What a day!

wow! Yesterday I went to Vojtech's farewell party (he's going back to the Czech)... It was really a lot of fun, plus it was a pool party... And let me tell you about that! I didn't want to swim, so I simply didn't bring a swimsuit and wore nice cocktail wear. But, I was so proven wrong as to my idea of not swimming! A group of my friends ganged up and planned this thing where Chris picked me up outta nowehere and BAM I was thrown into the pool, with my earrings, sunglasses and all. OMG the water was so cold!! Plus they threw me in the 7-ft deep side!! So I had to A) stay in a towel for 30 mins, B) change into Matt's basketball shorts and Emily's band t-shirt, C) dry my clothes in the dryer, D) dry my underwear with a hair dryer. At first I was a little upset, especially since I was wearing a skirt... But then I got better. Chris apologized, but it's all good because I know it was just fun you know... Anyways the party ended at like 1, but I left at about 11.30, I was too tired to finish lol. Today I have a Graduation Open House to go to at 1pm, which in all reality is exactly 18min away from now... But as always, I plan on going late so it doesn't really matter. Then after that we're going to Traverse City, spending the night there... Then tomorrow I have another graduation party. Then I have to get ready for DC. Things are getting to finally get unboring haha. Oh yeah, last night my sister and I had this HUGE conversation, about everything. Then outta nowhere she was reading some of my articles I wrote and she goes, "Dude, I can really see you writing for Vogue. I can guarantee you that if you applied there, you'd get the job." That's one of the best compliments I've EVER received man!! ^_^ WOOT!

Friday, June 10, 2005

not another one

Public Broadcasting Targeted By House
Panel Seeks to End CPB's Funding Within 2 Years

By Paul Farhi
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, June 10, 2005; Page A01

A House subcommittee voted yesterday to sharply reduce the federal government's financial support for public broadcasting, including eliminating taxpayer funds that help underwrite such popular children's educational programs as "Sesame Street," "Reading Rainbow," "Arthur" and "Postcards From Buster."

In addition, the subcommittee acted to eliminate within two years all federal money for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- which passes federal funds to public broadcasters -- starting with a 25 percent reduction in CPB's budget for next year, from $400 million to $300 million.

What the Republicans say:

Rep. Ralph Regula (R-Ohio), the subcommittee's chairman, said the cuts had nothing to do with dissatisfaction over public radio or TV programs. "It's pretty simple," he said in an interview. "The thinking was, there's not enough money for everything. There are 'must-do,' 'need-to-do' and 'nice-to-do' programs that we have to pay for. [Public broadcasting] is somewhere between a 'need-to-do' and a 'nice-to-do.' "

Way to go guys, deprive the little children of the only "good" TV programs out there why don't you.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


stella mccartney for h&m !! so cool!! i cant wait til november (when the line is out)... she's gonna be making 40 pieces... here's all the insider info ^_^ http://www.fashionweekdaily.com/content/templates/gallery.asp?articleid=6429&zoneid=1

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

sous l'oeil de l'ange

Et il m'a dit un jour, écoute petit
Va, cours, rattrape ta chance
Vis ton rêve, la vie te sourit
En une seconde, un oui, un non
Tu passes à côté
Pense pas dans le vent du courage
Vas-y, élance-toi,
Tu seras reçu par ceux qui t'aiment
Ceux qui dans le fonds d'un regard
En silence te comprennent
Et ils partageront les mêmes peines, les tiennes
Ces centaines de haine, les fois où tu parles trop
Les fois où tu dis rien, tu fais rien
Quand tu as l'impression de vivre
Toujours le même quotidien,
Ne baisse pas les bras, ne lâches pas
Prends le temps de te dire
Qu'il y a un ange derrière toi,
Relève toi, et va trouver le plus fort en toi au fonds de toi,
Le bonheur est au bout des doigts ne l'oublie pas

Refrain : (2x)
Sous l'½il de l'ange
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai su rester fort
Sous l'½il de l'ange
Je suis venu te dire qu'ils n'ont rien vu encore
Sous l'½il de l'ange
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai trouver la paix
Sous l'½il de l'ange
J'ai su pardonner et j'ai su le chanter

Il va falloir que tu saches
Ce qui se cache dans une défaite et,
Trouver la porte dans le noir qui t'en sortirai
Recommencer à rêver
C'est dans les rêves que se cache
La porte de l'éternel conte de fée,
Ta vie, tu la bâtiras de tes mains,
La sueur de ton front
Sera le pain pour ton lendemain,
Va et sois le meilleur dans ce que tu feras
Ne baisse pas les bras et Dieu te gardera
Il te parlera de ça, de tout et de rien,
Il a les mélodies, les clefs du mal et du bien
Il fera ton histoire, il écrira demain
Il aura tes mémoires dans le creux de sa main
Va, va, saches que tu as tout ce qu'il faut,
Le plus qu'il faut,
Mais donne-toi le temps qu'il faut, regarde en haut

Refrain (2x)

BEAUTIFUL song... !

Saturday, April 30, 2005

not such a good day

oh man today kinda sucked. first of all last night mom was like so grouchy and it seemed like she was trying her best to pick up an arguement with me. then today, i went late to my drivers ed class, then i had to wait 1 whole hour for my mom to pick me up. then today, i supposedly was going to a party in ann arbor from 5-10, but mom is taking me at 7!!! also i dont like that the girl hosted her party the weekend i was going to host mine... i guess ill do mine next weekend... but still. unfair. her birthday was way back on the 12th, mine was on thursday!!!! so mine should be this weekend, hers shoulda been like two weeks ago... agh >_<
anyways... i got the best gift from brandones..!! it was like this binder full of different candies and choclates taped to each side, and each one represented a certain trait i possessed (ie. white chocolate (lmao!!!) , the biggest sista in da hood , amazing , and bubbly! ) thanks a million brandon! it was the best present i got so far! i also got a jersey from dali...!! its says "ben achour" on the back! (i think i wrote about this player in some earlier entry no? anyways hes like my favorite player... very cute too hehe!) thanks a ton dali (even though its gonna stay in my locker for a while hehe) im also getting a cellie from dad, and mom, i have no clue yet (since we're not exactly getting along lately)... marcy said she was getting me a gift soon... hmmm lol hers are always the best since she knows exactly what i like!!
im just so happy im finally 16!!
soon im getting my lisence!!
yalla tout le monde


Monday, April 25, 2005

i'm impressed that you're impressed

can anyone say fun?
omgosh, the district convention was hella fun.
it was like the best weekend i've had in a while. i met many many people. all very cool especially kayla, jess, steph, hisam, and ahmed. you guys like rock my world. kayla, "we're so the coolest, i mean look at the trends!" "oh yeah i mean socks with thong flip flops how hot!" haha and our hair... yours not staying curled, mine not staying straight (ok all that dancing does account for it lol!!) ... very nice memories!!
im so glad we'll be doing something this weekend yay! i hope jess and steph can make it too!

hisam- you're one of the coolest guys i've met at convention. ahmed- you're very sweet guy. hope to keep in touch. samah- you're also a very nice chica. oh yeah can't forget julia, omg girl you are so much fun, especially during the ball! thanks hisam and julia for sending me all the congrats! which brings me to tell all of you guys that- im now elected as lieutenant governer of division 11! woot woot! this is a major step for me in my life even, since ive wanted long ago to become our own clubs president. now that just seems too mere of a job. LTG is much more "official"...

so yeah.
the total highlight of my weekend was the same as jessica's ^_^
oh and it felt so reassuring to know that arabs do exist in michigan, ya haram i mean i never met that many!! it was awesome!! and all of them were cool too.
i gotta get busy with my new district board duties ~_^
take care everyone
